Credit to HartLife Magazine –
Translation from Dutch to English Even voorsellen – Geneeksunde student Linda ‘Ek doe onderzoek naar de relatie tussen hart – en – vaatziekten en ADHD’
HeartLife is an Expertise Center for heart and health . We want to reduce mortality among women – and of course also men – as a result of (unexplained) heart complaints.
They are also committed to promoting health-promoting behavior.
Educate | Empower | Exercise & Eat Well
Their attention and core values:
- personal
- examination, diagnosis and treatment plan in one go (‘one-stop-shop’)
- attention to prevention and lifestyle
- accessible
- promoting medical infotainment (HeartLife Magazine)
- ‘nudge’ (encourage personal responsibility)
Introducing – Medical Student Linda ter Beek who conducts research into the relationship between cardiovasscular disease and ADHD
Linda ter Beek is in the final year of her medical studies at Utrecht University. She is doing her scientific internship at HeartLife and is investigating the relationship between cardiovascular disease and ADHD in women.
Tell us briefly about yourself?
My name is Linda, I am 28 years old and I recently moved to beautiful Brabant (‘s Hertogenbosch). I am in my final year of medical school in Utrecht. In my spare time I enjoy listening and playing music, cooking and dining out with family and friends.
What is your position at HeartLife?
As an intern, I thoroughly enjoyed my internship at HeartLife in March and April of this year. I have also been doing my science internship here for a few weeks now (without patient care).
Why did you choose HeartLife?
Besides the fact that I wanted more knowledge and experience within cardiology and specifically the women’s heart, HeartLife appealed to me because a lot of attention is paid to lifestyle here. Unfortunately, lifestyle medicine is an underexposed topic in current medical training, while lifestyle interventions can be very effective. I think it is important, as a (future) doctor, not only to focus on illness, but also to look together with the patient at how we can promote his/her health.
You conduct research into the relationship between cardiovascular disease and ADHD complaints in women. Can you tell us more about your research?
My research is about the relationship between cardiovascular disease and ADHD symptoms in women. Little scientific research has been done on this yet. Using collected data from patients (anonymized, of course), we will perform statistical analyzes to see whether there is a (significant) connection between ADHD and the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
Why do you think it is important that more attention is paid to the female heart and ADHD?
Previous research shows that ADHD is less well recognized in women. Late recognition leads to later treatment. Women who suffer a lot from ADHD symptoms and who do not receive proper treatment are more likely to develop, for example, a depression or anxiety disorder. In addition, previous studies have shown that ADHD is associated with an increased risk of obesity and sleep disorders. However, little is known about the influence of ADHD complaints on the cardiovascular system. The aim of this research is to create more awareness about ADHD in women and at the same time gather more knowledge about ADHD and the cardiovascular system (head-heart connection).
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