Our resources comprise of personal stories that have been given by women talking about their experiences living with ADHD in life and their ADHD journey. We also have recommended books, evidenced based videos, publications, stigma & discrimination, ADHD Awareness, Support for women
Our aim is to provide more information about research with our blogs and publications. We shall update this information as it becomes available.
In 2020, our campaign to raise awareness included ‘outreach’ to the public to submit their stories. Unfortnatley, we shall not be updating more stories and we invite you to read all the experiences that women have provided to us by clicking on the personal stories.
Today, there are so many books available for ADHD in Women. Should you wish to help contribute to updating this page on our website, please do get in touch with us.
Our recommendations for videos come from our ‘Broadcasting ADHD Europe’ channel of which we have special invited guests talking about ADHD in Women. Please visit our ‘Research’ page where we have placed majority of these videos with research news.
We have created resources with regards to possible suggestions of sharing best practices how we as ADHD Europe deal with stigma & discrimination. There is alot of information available that we hope you will find useful, print and share. Together we can talk to people around us about ADHD, and especially that ‘ADHD is Real’ .
ADHD Awareness Month’s goal is to provide reliable information and resources to help people move forward with ADHD. We do feel that ADHD awareness day is ‘every day’ . ADHD Europe is partnership with ADHD Awareness Month Coalition (United States of America) and CADDAC (Canada) ith the shared global goal of dissemination of reliable information about ADHD and its treatments. Our global awareness team is growing!
This website is managed by ADHD Europe AISBL and we are able to provide possibilities for contacts for support groups online, in Europe and how to find support in your country.
ADHD-Europe has published a declaration to highlight the need for a better understanding of how ADHD presents in girls and women so that those who are still left undiagnosed across Europe – and indeed the World – receive the specialist care they need in future. This Declaration includes key recommendations that are designed to bring about the changes that are badly needed, thus rectifying the situation. Available in many languages.
We are happy to share as much information as possible about research in Women * Girls. With thanks to our research contributors who are making more information available with Pilot Studies, Research outcomes, webinars and awareness rasising for women and girls with ADHD. Several studies into ADHD in women are planned by PsyQ and we shall update our website when the information becomes available.
Should you wish us to share your research or publications. Please do tag us on social media or contact us.
WordPress has this function to put all blogs ever made on a page. So here is alot of blogs, articles and research, if you want to have a look at a list or do a broad spectrum search on specific informaiton you are looking for.
- Scientific Publications
- Clinical Practice Guidelines for Diagnosis & Treatment of ADHD
- Sharing Best Practices and Sharing experiences
- ADHD Europe survey about the situation with regards to Access to Diagnosis & Treatment in Europe.
- Articles & Videos produced by by International Experts
- Common Questions and Answers
- Busting Myths with Facts’ for all people living with ADHD
Further Information
Thank you for visiting our website below are references which contains information about the facts of ADHD, book recommendations for all, common questions and answers about ADHD, articles and videos by International Experts sharing their medical knowledge and best practices, literature and scientific publications, Clinical Practice Guidelines for Diagnosis & Treatment of ADHD, diagnositic tools, ADHD Europe Official Declarations (In the Workplace, Girls & Women, Help! My Teenager is Becoming an Adult), ADHD Europe survey about the situation with regards to Access to Diagnosis & Treatment in Europe, ADHD Awareness, ADHD Research.
ADHD Awareness
ADHD Europe collaborate with global coalitions whot together with us to tackle issues to combat stigma & discrimination by sharing information which is informative for the public and can be used in society.
One of our key priorities is to promote the collaboration of scientific research into ADHD with evidence-based information
ADHD Women
Risk & Resilence in Developmental Diversity and Mental Health
Management of chronic cardiometabolic disease and treatment discontinuity in adult ADHD patients
Effects of Nutrition and Lifestyle on Impulsive, Compulsive & Externalizing behaviours
Prevention and Remediation of Insulin Multimorbidity in Europe
Co-morbid analsys of Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Epilepsy

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If you choose not to donate, please consider to share this page or the blog posts on our website with your family, friends, colleagues andwith your followers and help raise awareness.
Your donation is greatly appreciated and will be used for our communication outreach programs (ADHD Europe Broadcasting, ADHD Advocacy, ADHD Women Project, Awareness activities in Europe events and much more…

Rue Washington 40, Brussels, 1050, Belgium
International not-for-profit association 0810.982.059
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