Yfirlýsing vegna kvenna og stúlkna með ADHD
Verklaring over ADHD bij meisjes en vrouwen
Declarație despre ADHD la Fete și Femei
Διακήρυξη για την ΔΕΠΥ σε Κορίτσια και Γυναίκες
Declaration about Girls & Women
Declaración en relación a niñas y mujeres con TDAH
Deklaracja dotycząca ADHD u dziewcząt i kobiet
Dichiarazione sulla condizione della donna e ragazza con ADHD
Erklärung zu ADHS bei Mädchen und Frauen
Déclaration sur le TDAH chez les filles et les femmes
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Your donation is greatly appreciated and will be used for our communication outreach programs (ADHD Europe Broadcasting, ADHD Advocacy, ADHD Women Project, Awareness activities in Europe events and much more…

Rue Washington 40, Brussels, 1050, Belgium
International not-for-profit association 0810.982.059
RPM ‘Greffe du Tribunal de Commerce de Bruxelles’