Diagnosis of Depression!!!

By Jennifer Chochee, submitted 13 May 2021

Jennifer from Toronto, Canada was diagnosed with ADHD in 2019.

For over 15 years she was diagnosed with depression, but when she mentioned to her  family doctor that she changes topics every 2 seconds and has a difficult time focusing on things, her ADHD journey began. 

She feels that ADHD is a hard barrier to overcome but with her family, friends and their help and support, it is easier to cope with.

She is a mom, wife, sister, kidney transplant recipient, former waitress, former soldier, former hospital secretary, former president of the parents’ council for her son’s school, scout leader and Canadian athlete.

I enjoyed dressing up as a superhero at the Fan Expo conventions, origami, sewing, crafts, painting, travelling to other countries. I joined several zoom webinars on depression, ADHD, add.orgfreeadhd.com, painting and sewing groups.

She’s coping with ADHD to the best of her ability and living life to the fullest with caring husband Steve, her kindhearted son Jonathan and her adorable dog Jas who is her walking buddy.

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Jen’s website page.

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Will you be interested in sharing your story with us?  

We have been raising awareness since 30 May 2020 for un/diagnosed ADHD in Women. 

 By doing this,  we are not only empowering women, but also supporting women by sharing  our lived experiences.  

Many women suspect that they have ADHD, or know that they show symptoms or have been diagnosed. 

Our website is a platform to share our stories and with your help, by providing your story, will offer encouragement, hope and a better understanding about how living with ADHD actually feels.  

We respect your privacy and will either upload your story anonymously or use your name with your permission.

How to share your story with us? Click here