ADHD Women Reseach Contributors
We would like to whole heartedly thank all partners and colloborators for including ADHD Europe in various initiatives and ADHD related activities.
The ADHD Community we represent are truly blessed by being included and being able to participate to get our ‘ADHD Voices heard’ and to get the ‘Evidenced Based Information’ that ‘ADHD is Real’.
There are so many people in our network that we would like to thank and let everyone know how much we greatly appreciate your efforts. If we ommitted your name, we ask you to contact us, so we can include you on or ‘Research and Professional’ list below.
United Kingdom
Dr. Kate Carr Fanning

Kate completed her PhD in psychology and education at Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin, where she specialised in the inclusion of leaners with ADHD in mainstream education.
She spent 10 years developing and leading programmes is universities in England focused on educational psychology, teacher education, and special and inclusive education. She continues to be an Honorary Academic at the University of Bristol working with PhD students and conducting research. She recently returned to Ireland and joined the School of Education in University College Dublin (UCD), where she is the Director of Inclusive Education and Programme Director for the Graduate Diploma in SEN and the Masters in Inclusive Education.
Kate’s research interests focus on educational inclusion and social, emotional, and/or mental health difficulties in education, with a particular interest in ADHD. Her research had included the design and evaluation of school-based programs of inclusion, learner voice / participatory research and practice, and issues of identity, lay peoples understanding of behaviour and mental health, and belonging in school.
Kate serves on the ADHD Europe Professional Advisory board.
Dr. Lotta Borg Skoglund

Lotta Borg Skoglund is Swedish M.D., Ph.D., author, keynote speaker and entrepreneur, specialized in psychiatry/addiction and family medicine with a specific focus on ADHD and ADD. In 2015, completed my thesis, When ADHD and Substance use Disorders Coexist – Etiology and Pharmacological Treatment at Karolinska Institute, Stockholm.
She currently holds a position as Associate Professor at Uppsala University, Department for Women’s and Children’s Health, continuing my research into ADHD, comorbidity and gender influences. I am specifically interested in how hormones affect mental health across the female lifespan. A field that is not even close to being researched enough! Together with colleagues from around the world she is leading pioneering research group GODDESS ADHD
Lotta is a professional advisory member of Riksförbundet Attention based in Sweden
Netherlands - PsyQ (Centre for ADHD in Adults & Elderly)
At PsyQ, not only do they help patients in their country, but open initiatives, dwelve into research, and present their information Internationally to
- educate academic colleges
- provide updates for health care professionals
- increase the awareness of ADHD across the globe
- give educative talks to share experiences in the medical field of ADHD
- create tools, resources, write books, papers, webinars, podcasts (resources)
- involvement in research (with or without funding) to get the answers ‘ADHD Women’ are looking for (more news on latest developments to follow)
We are honored to be part of this network, and the research team from PsyQ.
Prof. Dr. J.J. Sandra Kooij

Dr. Dora Wynchank

Dr. Dora Wynchank is a psychiatrist working in adult ADHD at PsyQ, editor of the DIVA Foundation, and active contributor to the European Adult ADHD Network.
Her expertise ranges from general mental health to sleep disorders in adult – and adolescent ADHD. She lectures widely in an attempt to de-stigmatise mental conditions. Dora is a professional member of ADHD Europe.
Prof. Dr. J.J. Sandra Kooij is a Professor of Adult ADHD at Amsterdam University Medical Centre/VUMc, and has been involved in ADHD research for more than 25 years.
Her main research interests are ADHD, sleep and health, and the relationship between ADHD and hormonal changes in women.She is also a member of ADHD Europe’s Professional Advisory Board.
PsyQ, psycho-medical programs, Program and Expertise Center Adult ADHD, The Hague, The Netherlands and theAmsterdam University Medical Centre/VUMc, Amsterdam, dept. of psychiatry.
Sandra Kooij started as a psychiatrist in 1995 with the development of diagnostic assessment, treatment and research in the field of adult ADHD in the Netherlands. In 2006 she received her PhD on a thesis entitled ‘ADHD in adults. Clinical studies on Assessment and Treatment’ at Radboud University Nijmegen (promoter prof. dr. J.K. Buitelaar). She has been involved for more than 25 years in ADHD research, patientcare, development of new trainings for professionals, informing the public, coordinating (inter)national networks on ADHD, publishing books, articles, and websites.
Her main research interests are ADHD, sleep and health: disturbances of the circadian rhythm and the impact on mood, weight and health, and the relationship with hormonal changes in women. ADHD in older people is another interest.
(Inter)national tasks and positions
- 2020 – current Professor Adult ADHD at Amsterdam University Medical Center/VUMc, Amsterdam
- 2002 – current Initiator and Head of Program and Expertise Center ADHD in adults and elderly, at PsyQ. Program ADHD in adults and elderly in the Hague, treats annually around 1000 ADHD patients with comorbidity, by a specialised multidisciplinary team. The expertise center is an (inter)national research and education institute that develops, distributes and implements new knowledge about ADHD in adults in mental health care in the Netherlands and abroad. The knowledge is distributed by scientific and popular publications, education programs, websites and films ( In 2008, 2013 and 2018, Program and Expertise Center received the TOP Mental Health (TOPGGz) acknowledgement, for excellent patientcare, education and research (
- 2010 – current Specialist-leader Adult ADHD at PsyQ in the Netherlands, responsible for the training and support of other locations of PsyQ in the Netherlands. Each location has a specialised Adult ADHD Program (
- 2015 – current Specialist-leader Neurobiological Developmental Disorders at Parnassia Group in the Netherlands
- 2010 – 2015 Chair of the Guideline committee on Adult ADHD of the Dutch organisation of Psychiatry. The guideline was published sept 2015
- 2003 – current Initiator and chair of the ‘European Network Adult ADHD’, in which now adult ADHD specialists from 28 countries take part
- 2009 – current Initiator and president of the international DIVA Foundation that distributes at low cost online translations of the Dutch Diagnostic Interview for ADHD in adults (DIVA-5) that has been translated in 20 languages (
- 2008 – current Advisory Board member of APSARD, the American Psychiatric Society on ADHD and Related Disorders
- 2010 – current Member of the Scientific Program committee of the World ADHD Congress
- 2017 – current Advisory Board of ADHD Europe
- 2017 – current Member of Eunethydis, European research network on ADHD
Mylène Böhmer

Mylène Böhmer is a senior researcher working at PsyQ Expertisecenter Adult ADHD, the Netherlands. She is specialized in sleep and light therapy as treatment for sleep problems. Mylène’s fascination for sleep started with a spirited professor Psychofysiology during the first year of her study Psychology at the University of Amsterdam. Her professional interest was raised when she noticed how often sleep problems are played down, even though science continuously shows the importance of a good night of sleep to stay healthy.
Mylène’s PhD research was on increasing light exposure as treatment for sleep problems and mood complaints in people with intellectual disabilities. At PsyQ she studies the effect of sleep treatment and light therapy for ADHD symptoms. Furthermore she assists prof. Sandra Kooij and dr. Dora Wynchank with the research line on ADHD women, of which the survey on Women’s health in ADHD survey is part.
Maxime de Jong

Maxime de Jong, MD is a physician-researcher (PhD-candidate) and cultural analyst working in adult ADHD at PsyQ. She finds it important to combine clinical practice with research, and is committed to continue bridging this gap. In her research she focuses predominantly on female ADHD; experiences, novel/adjusted pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment options and general health. She values contributing to such an important and understudied topic as part of a team wherein all members are valued as individuals and work and passion go hand in hand. Additionally, inspired by the female menstrual cycle, she is interested in exploring the possibilities and consequences of implementing a more cyclical approach to life and healthcare on a much larger scale.
Emma van Andel

Emma van Andel is a PhD student and senior researcher at the PsyQ Expertise Center Adult ADHD in The Hague, The Netherlands. She has a background in biology and cognitive neuroscience and a particular passion for sleep and biological rhythm. Her PhD project therefore focused on treating adults with ADHD and a delayed sleep phase. As senior researcher, she is working on the international ADHD and Women’s Health Survey in collaboration with ADHD Europe.

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