Personal Stories

How I Made Friends with my ADHD Brain

by Proudly ADHD, Cathy Rashdian, submitted 5th March 2021 I remember sitting in my physician’s office, arguing with her about me having ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) or not. My frequent visits to her office and discussions around my mental wellness seemed to have given her the evidence that I might have undiagnosed ADHD. The combination of being a new mom at 40 and also… 

On the edge of humanity looking outwards

Anonymous, submitted 08 March 2021, I’m not diagnosed with ADHD, as yet, but I think at some point I will go for an official assessment. My own assessment is that I sit somewhere in the crossover of Inattentive ADHD and Autism. I’ve always struggled with some things that other people seemed to find really easy, and until recently I didn’t understand why I couldn’t do… 

This is MY ADHD Story; Literally

by literallyausome, 30th October 2020 In late August, I marked my two-year ADHD diagnosis anniversary. The passage of time, coupled with a global pandemic, has not allowed a lot of time for further reflection upon the diagnosis itself; however, remote-learning & having to revisit concepts that were long forgotten or never understood & try to explain them to my kids was a confronting reminder of…